Tamagotchi Connection 4 Buttons Instructions

Tamagotchi Connection / Connexion / Plus Questions and Answers

Hello youtube what's up? Today I'm gonna do a review about a fake tamagotchi about a fake tamagotchi it's a tamagotchi that I would definetly NOT recommend anyone to buy it because leaving behing the fact it's not an original one it's not even entertaining this one has an egg shell design this one has an egg shell design and this is the packaging which says 49 in 1 it has the tamagotchi. Aug 22, 2019  How to Care for a Tamagotchi V4/V4.5. Is you or your child's new Tamagotchi V4 or V4.5 driving you up the wall? Do you keep pressing the middle button, expecting it to do something, but all it goes to is the clock screen? Or maybe, you're.

Purchasing and Locating Tamagotchi:

Tamagotchi Connection Functions:

General Tamagotchi Connection Questions:

Website Related Questions:

Purchasing and Locating Tamagotchi:

Q. When will Tamagotchi Connection be released in my area / city / country?
I live in the United States so I don't have any real resource to find out when Tamagotchi will be released in your area or country. Some ways you might be able to find this information out are:

  1. Bandai's website: Tamagotchi.com or Bandai.com
  2. News resources: news.google.com or news.yahoo.com
  3. Call around to local toy stores and ask when they are expecting shipments.
  4. Look through the local newspaper for sales ads or other information.
  5. Ask for help on the Tamagotchi Chat board and there maybe someone else who lives in your area that may have the information.

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Q. Where can I buy Tamagotchi Connection in my area / city / country?
A. Tamagotchi Connection, Plus and Connexion have already been released in Japan and parts of Europe. They were released in the United States on August 15, 2004.

I live in the United States so I don't have any real resource to find out when Tamagotchi Connection will be sold in your area or country.

The typical places to look would be:

  1. Toy stores, specifically large chains.
  2. Toys 'R Us, Wal*Mart and Target have been known to carry Tamagotchi and these places have been the resource for many people in finding Tamagotchi Connection.
  3. Amazon.com has them / will have them soon to order online.
  4. If you are desperate you can try ebay.com. You may pay a little higher price, plus you have to pay for shipping. But you also get a chance at the different versions (Connection, Connexion and Plus).

Some ways you might be able to find this information out are:

  1. Bandai's website: Tamagotchi.com or Bandai.com
  2. News resources: news.google.com or news.yahoo.com
  3. Call around to local toy stores and ask when they are expecting shipments.
  4. Look through the local newspaper for sales ads or other information.
  5. Ask for help on the Tamagotchi Chat board and there maybe someone else who lives in your area that may have the information.

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Q. How do I know if I have a fake Tamagotchi.
An entire thread of information has been created about this on the Tamagotchi chat board.

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Tamagotchi Connection Functions:

Q. How do I pause it?
A. If you are using a US Tamagotchi Connection do the following:

With your character showing and no icons selected do the following:

  1. Press the A button and Hold.
  2. While holding down the A button, press the B button.
  3. It will now say 'Pause' on the screen.
  4. Repeat steps one and two to unpause.

If you are using the Connexion or Plus versions do the following:

With your character showing and no icons selected do the following:

  1. Press B. This will bring you to the clock screen.
  2. Press the A and C buttons at the same time.
  3. The clock will stop. The Tama is now Paused and nothing will occur until you reset the clock.
  4. When you are ready to start playing again, use the A button to change the numbers and the B button to confirm each of your changes.
  5. Finish making your changes to set the clock correct again and then press the C button. The clock will resume and the Tamagotchi will now be unpaused and ready to play with again.

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Q. How do I change the clock?
A. With your character showing and no icons selected do the following:

  1. Press B. This will bring you to the clock screen.
  2. Press the A and C buttons at the same time.
  3. The clock will stop.
  4. Use the A button to change the numbers and the B button to confirm.
  5. Finish making your changes and then press the C button. The clock will resume.

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Q. How do I change the clock from Military / 24 hour times to AM/PM times.
A. With your character showing and no icons selected do the following:

Tamagotchi Connection 4 Buttons Instructions
  1. Press B. This will bring you to the clock screen.
  2. Press A. The clock should now show an AM or PM next to the clock with the correct time.
  3. Repeat step two to change it back to Military/24 hour time.

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Q. How do I get *this* character?
A. At this time I do not have any specific strategies on getting specific characters. Once I have played more and experienced the ideas better, I will post my theories on how to get each of the characters. I suggest looking on the Tamagotchi chat board for advice from other Tama owners.

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Q. When will I get an adult character?
A. By age 3 you will have an adult.

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Q. What times does the Matchmaker / Mrs. Busybody come?
A. I have been told the times are: 10am, 3pm and 7pm. This will happen around age 7 or 8.

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Q. How do I turn the sound on or off?
A. With your character showing and no icons selected do the following:

  1. Press the A and C buttons at the same time.
  2. An option menu will come onto the screen.
  3. Select on or off depending on your preferences.
  4. Repeat to turn the sound back on or off.

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Q. My Tamagotchi Connection was dancing and singing!? Is this normal?
A. Yes! All Tamagotchi characters do more then just pace on the screen on Tamagotchi Connection. Each character has different actions and special animations.

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Q. When do I use Time Out / Discipline?
A. Use this when:

  1. The Tama beeps and the attention light turns on.
  2. The Tama is doing his usual thing on the screen and doesn't look upset or anything.
  3. When the Tama refuses to play or eat even when it's hungry or unhappy.

And it seems that #3 doesn't always apply.

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Q. When do I Praise?
A. Use this when:

  1. The Tama beeps and the attention light turns on.
  2. The Tama has its back to you and looks angry or upset.
  3. When the Tama refuses to play or eat even when it'd hungry or unhappy.

And it seems that #3 doesn't always apply.

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Q. When can my Tamagotchi have Tamababies?
A. Your Tamagotchi will know when it's time, you don't have to do anything special. Of course if you want your Tamagotchi to have Tamababies with another Tama via connecting, you'll need to connect them often. Your Tamagotchi is ready to have Tamababies:

  1. When your Tamagotchi is an adult character.
  2. When you have 5 hearts with a connected Tamagotchi (both have to be adults).
  3. Or when the Matchmaker comes to find your Tamagotchi a mate.

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Q. Do I have to have two Tamagotchi to get Tamababies?
A. Absolutely not! If you don't want to buy a second Tamagotchi Connection and you don't know anyone with a Connection, you can simply keep raising your Tamagotchi and Mrs. Busybody will always find someone for your Tamagotchi to help keep the generations going.

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Q. Can a Connection communicate with a Connexion or a Plus Tamagotchi version?
A. Yes they can.

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Q. Can a Connection have Tamababies with a Connexion or a Plus Tamagotchi version?
A. Yes they can.

Tamagotchi Connection 4 Buttons Instructions Manual

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General Tamagotchi Connection Questions:

Q. Where can I get codes for Tamagotchi Connection Version 3?
A. You can find the Tamagotchi Connection Version 3 Codes here.

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Q. Where can I get a manual for Tamagotchi Connection/Plus?
A. The manual that comes with the Hong Kong Tamagotchi Plus (in english) and the Japanese version (in Japanese) of the manual is here.

Tamagotchi Connection 4 Buttons Instructions

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Q. What toy company makes Tamagotchi and Tamagotchi products?
A. Bandai Co. Ltd. They are the third largest toy company in the world, with 38 subsidiaries in 13 countries worldwide. Bandai's website can be found here.

Bandai also has their own Official Tamagotchi website.

Mystic Fortress and its creator are not associated and do not work for Bandai Co. Ltd. This site, Tamagotchi Planet, is simply the work of an avid Tamagotchi fan. To contact Bandai, please do not email mimitchi.com, instead go to Bandai's website and contact them there.

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Website Related Questions:

Q. Will you be making a Graveyard page?
A. Not at this time. However you are welcome to post your pet information on the Tamagotchi chat board.

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Q. Can I post my logs on your website?
A. Sorry, I have no service nor ability to do this at this time. Right now my website is a personal site containing only my own information and experiences. I may set something up in the future to satisfy this request. But at this time I have no such service. However you are welcome to post your experiences on the Tamagotchi chat board.

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Q. Do you work for or are you a representitive of Bandai Corporation?
A. Mystic Fortress and its creator are not associated with and do not work for Bandai Co. Ltd. This site, Tamagotchi Planet, is simply the work of an avid Tamagotchi fan. To contact Bandai, please do not email mimitchi.com, instead go to Bandai's website and contact them there.

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Q. Who runs this website at mimitchi.com?
A. This website, mimitchi.com, is run by a single individual, not a corporation or company of any sort.

My name is Kat. I have been building and maintaining mimitchi.com since 1996. Mystic Fortress has gone through many global changes throughout the years, including having various URLs and site names. I create and maintain the materials on this website in my free time. Delays in updates are caused by my full time job and pure laziness. I'm an adult (so they tell me) but a child at heart. I enjoy collecting the various things you see on mimitchi.com as well as several other things.

I live in California with my hubby-to-be Brendan. Brendan has made several contributions to the site throughout the years, specifically art and flash games. Brendan has done a ton of work on the Connection section and also helps moderate the Tamagotchi Forums.

For more information about me, go to this link. How was the Connection section created and with what help? To visit the Connection Site Credits, go to this link.

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Q. How can I contact you regarding Tamagotchi Connection or Plus?
A. My contact form is here.

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Tamagotchi Connection 4 Buttons Instructions Pdf

The Tamagotchi Connection (UK: Tamagotchi Connexion) is a virtual pet in the Tamagotchi line of digital toys from Bandai. The Tamagotchi Connection is unique from prior models in that it uses infrared technology to connect and interact with other devices and was first released in 2004, 8 years after the first Tamagotchi toy. Using the device's infrared port, the virtual pet (referred to as a Tamagotchi) can make friends with other Tamagotchis, in addition to playing games, giving and receiving presents and having a baby.

Versions 1 to 4 of Tamagotchi Connection have 6 levels of friendship that can be viewed in the Friends List:

  • Acquaintance (one smiley-face)
  • Buddy (two smiley-faces)
  • Friend (three smiley-faces)
  • Good friend (four smiley-faces)
  • Best friend (two love-hearts, two smiley-faces, during connection they may kiss)
  • Partner (four love-hearts, during connection they will kiss and may have babies)

Versions 5 and 6 have different levels.

Four Tamagotchi toys

If the Tamagotchi cannot find a partner from another device to have babies with, a matchmaker will come, allowing the Tamagotchi to have a baby with a computer-controlled Tamagotchi character. This applies to versions 1 to 4 and 6 only. Version 5 introduces a Dating Show game in which the user must play to gain a CPU partner.


All Tamagotchi Devices are capable of connecting with each other; however, a character from a newer Version will show on an older version as the mystery character known as Nazotchi.

Tamagotchi Connection v2 (2004)[edit]

The Tamagotchi Connection v2 introduces 'Gotchi Points', an in-game currency used to buy shop items. Also, more games are unlocked as the Tamagotchi ages. It has 6 stages of life:

  • Egg - This only occurs once the device has been reset, either by pressing the reset button on the rear of the device or by installing a new battery. Once the clock has been set, it will hatch in one minute.
  • Baby - The baby unlocks the game Jump.
  • Child - The child unlocks the game Bump.
  • Teenager - The teenager unlocks the game Heading.
  • Adult - The adult unlocks the game Slot.
  • Senior. The senior can only be unlocked if the Matchmaker is refused every time it appears. This applies to all versions.

Tamagotchi Connection v3 (2006)[edit]

Aside from different games, The Tamagotchi Connection v3 makes few changes in comparison to the v2 Like the v2, the older the Tamagotchi gets, the more games it has access to, and there are still 6 stages of life.

  • Egg - Like the v2, the egg is the first stage and occurs when the device has been reset. When the clock has been set, the egg will hatch in one minute.
  • Baby - The baby unlocks the game Get Music.
  • Child. The child unlocks the game Bump.
  • Teenager. The teenager unlocks the games Flag and Heading.
  • Adult. The adult unlocks the games Memory and Sprint.
  • Senior. Like on the v2, the Senior can only be unlocked by refusing the Matchmaker every time it appears.

Other differences from the v2

  • There is no 'Treat' option in the food.
  • There are new 'Password' and 'Souvenir' options.
  • When you are connecting with another v3, visiting is a new option.
  • There are new 'Point' and 'Family' options in the friendbook.

Tamagotchi Connection v4 Jinsei (2007)[edit]

As in previous versions, Tamagotchis play games for a certain amount of 'Gotchi Points' and unlock more games as it ages.

  • Egg - This only occurs when the device has been reset. Once the clock has been set, it will hatch in one minute.
  • Baby - The baby unlocks the game Jumping Rope.
  • Child - The child unlocks the game Mimic.
  • Teenager - The teenager unlocks the games Shape, Dance and Flag.
  • Adult - As an adult, the Tamagotchi can get a job which unlocks various mini-games, depending on what job the player chooses for the Tamagotchi.
  • Senior - Much like previous versions, the Senior life stage can only be achieved by refusing the matchmaker every time it appears.

The Tamagotchi Connection makes additional changes to gameplay instead of simply changing the games and other minor details. For example, the child and teenager can go to school and play mini-games, where an adult can get a job. Also, the 'Lamp' menu item (allows the user to turn the 'light' on or off) is no longer present. Instead, it is replaced with a 'Mail' menu item where the player can check for any mail they will occasionally receive.

New to the Tamagotchi Connection with the v4 is the ability for a child or teenager Tamagotchi to go to school and an adult to go to work. The player can choose which teacher they want once the Tamagotchi reaches the Teenage stage, and will train either 'Funny Points', 'Gorgeous Points' and 'Spiritual Points' through mini-games. The player also chooses what job an adult Tamagotchi gets and will unlock mini-games based on this choice.

Tamagotchi Connection v4.5[edit]

The Connection v4.5 makes minimal changes to gameplay from the v4, short of adding new games; however, the Tamagotchi is now able to collect 'Life Points'.

  • Egg - This only occurs when the device has been reset. Once the clock has been set, it will hatch in one minute.
  • Baby - The baby unlocks the game Climb.
  • Child - The child unlocks the game Tug of War.
  • Teenager - The teenager unlocks the games Apples, Shapes, and Man-hole.
  • Adult - As an adult, the Tamagotchi can get a job which unlocks various mini-games, depending on what job the player chooses for the Tamagotchi.
  • Senior - Much like previous versions, the Senior life stage can only be achieved by refusing the matchmaker every time it appears.


This option is needed to visit the V4 online world of Tamagotchi Town. The Tamagotchi goes off the screen and a Log-In Password is provided. At Tamagotchi Town, the password is entered and Tamagotchi Town appears on-screen. In Tamagotchi Town, many things can be done, such as:

  • Shopping for items and food (up to 10)
  • Earning 'Gotchi' points (up to 9900)
  • Earning souvenirs
  • Travelling to different countries
  • Going to preschool
  • Going to school
  • Going to work
  • Playing games
  • Visit previous Tamagotchis

Tamagotchi Connection v5 Familitchi (2008)[edit]

The Tamagotchi Connection v5 is the English version of the FamiTama and is the first Tamagotchi to be exactly the same (besides language) worldwide since the Tamagotchi Plus. It was released in Asia on January 6, 2008 in Australia on January 10, 2008 and was released worldwide later in February 2008. The v5 introduces the ability to raise families, with 3-5 parents and kids. It also has a new website that it shares with the Famitama, the 'Tama and Earth Expo'. According to the package, 'The Tamagotchis set up this expo to learn more about Earth.' It contains a central pavilion and 4 other pavilions representing each of the main areas of the Earth. It also included a TV option where the player can use Gotchi Points to shop on the Shopping Channel, find a mate with the Dating Show, or go travelling on the Travelling Show which replaces the pause function of previous generations. There is a design flaw with the v5 which prevents it from properly connecting to the other Tamagotchis in the series.

Differences from previous versions:

  • Individual Tamagotchis cannot be named. Instead, a family name is selected and individuals are identified by their character type.
  • There is a family bond percentage
  • The Discipline is replaced with a Play option.
  • The Medicine chest is expanded to contain general items as well.

Life stages and games[edit]

  • Egg
  • Baby
  • Child
  • Teenager
  • Adult
  • Parent (replacing the Senior life stage of previous generations)

When raising a family without parents, only the TV Surfing and Tea Time games are available. Having parents unlocks the Golf Putt and Shoe Pairs games. The Tamagotchi Connection v5 also has a v5.5 variant, which brings minimal changes to the generation.

Tamagotchi Connection v6 Music Star[edit]

The Tamagotchi Connection v6 is the final release in the Connection series and allows the Tamagotchi to become a pop star. As the Tamagotchi ages, it will learn a musical instrument and a band manager will come once the Tamagotchi reaches 5 in-game years of age. Every Tamagotchi Connection v6 includes a guitar pick with a code for Tamatown on it.

Life Stages and Games[edit]

  • Egg
  • Baby
  • Child
  • Teenager
  • Adult
  • Senior

The Tamagotchi can play all three music games, Sing A Song, Music Notes and Sound Block from birth. The Tamagotchi has a band from the teenager stage, whose members cannot be named, but the band itself can.


The Adoptive Connection Glitter Pad has 6 levels of friendship which is depends on the level, they will fall in love or not. Below is the list of Friendship Levels.

Tamagotchi Connection 4 Buttons Instructions
  • Assistant (one smiley face, during connection, they are unlikely to kiss together.)
  • Buddy (two smiley faces, during connection, they may kiss.)
  • Patron (three smiley faces, during connection, they are equally likely to kiss together.)
  • Friend (four smiley faces, during connection, they are equally likely to kiss together and unlikely to have a baby.)
  • Good Friend (two love hearts, during connection they may kiss and equally likely to have a baby.)
  • Best Friend (four love hearts, during connection they will kiss and likely to have babies.)


External links[edit]

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